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Jain RK
Transvascular and interstitial transport in tumors
Vascular Endothelium in Health and Disease, S. Chien (Ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam . 1988;:215-220
Maldarelli C, Jain RK
Stability of thin films: characterization and applications in industrial and biological systems.
Thin Liquid Films, I.B. Ivanov, Ed., M. Dekker, New York. 1988;:497-568
Herberman RB, Basse P, Jain RK, Melder RJ, Goldfarb RH, Ernstoff MS, Kirkwood JM, Whiteside TL
Approaches to immunotherapy with defined populations of IL-2 cultured NK cells, immune T Cells or tumor infiltrating lymphocytes.
In: Biology and Clinical Applications of IL-2, R.C. Rees, Ed., Oxford University Press, London. 1990;Chapter 12:111-119
Jain RK
Parameters Governing Tumor Blood Flow
In: Tumor Blood Supply and Metabolic Microenvironment: Characterization and Therapeutic Implications, P. Vaupel and R.K. Jain, Eds., Fischer Publications, Stuttgart. 1991;:ePub
Baxter LT, Jain RK
Vascular and Interstitial Transport in Tumors
In: Tumor Blood Supply and Metabolic Microenvironment: Characterization and Therapeutic Implications, P. Vaupel and R.K. Jain, Eds., Fischer Publications, Stuttgart. 1991;:ePub
Sevick EM, Jain RK
Viscous Resistance to Blood Flow in the Tumor Microcirculation: Clinical Implications.
In: Tumor Blood Supply and Metabolic Microenvironment: Characterization and Therapeutic Implications, P. Vaupel and R.K. Jain, Eds., Fischer Publications, Stuttgart. 1991;:ePub
Ward KA, Jain RK
Blood Flow Response to Hyperglycemia.
In: Tumor Blood Supply and Metabolic Microenvironment: Characterization and Therapeutic Implications, P. Vaupel and R.K. Jain, Eds., Fischer Publications, Stuttgart. 1991;:ePub
Jain RK, Baxter LT
Extravasation and Interstitial Transport in Tumors
In: Biological Barriers to Protein Delivery, K.L. Audus and T.J. Raub, Eds., Plenum Press, New York. 1993;Chapter 15:441-465
Jain RK
Physiological Resistance to the Treatment of Solid Tumors
In: Drug Resistance in Oncology, B. Teicher, Ed., M. Dekker, New York. 1993;Chapter 4:87-105
Melder RJ, Jain RK
Delivery of Effector Cells to Tumors
In: '93 Recent Advances in Cancer Research, J.G. Park, Ed., Seoul National University, Seoul. 1993;:202-217
Jain RK
Transport Phenomena in Tumors
Advances in Chemical Engineering. 1994;20:129-200
Jain RK
Tumor Microcirculation: Role in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
In: Progress in Microcirculation Research, H. Niimi, et al, Eds., Pergamon Press, Tarrytown. 1994;:29-36
Jain RK
Vascular and Interstitial Physiology of Tumours: Role in Cancer Detection and Treatment
In: Tumor Angiogenesis, R. Bicknell, C. Lewis and N. Ferrara, Eds, Oxford University Press, Oxford. 1997;:45-59
Jain RK
Delivery of Molecular Medicine to Solid Tumors
In: Microcirculation Annual 1997, M. Tsuchiya, M. Asano and N. Sato, Eds, Nihon-Igakukan, Tokyo. 1997;13:1-5
Jain RK
Tumor Microcirculation: Role in Drug and Nutrient Delivery
In: Advances in Blood Substitutes, Eds, R.M. Winslow, K. D. Vandegriff, and M. Intaglietta, Birkhuser, Boston. 1997;:46-70
Jain RK
Microcirculation and Transport Phenomena in Tumours
In: Connective Tissue Biology: Integration and Reductionism. Eds. R.K. Reed and K. Rubin, Portland Press Ltd, London. 1998;71:269-293
Jain RK, Munn LL, Fukumura D, Melder RJ
In Vitro and In Vivo Quantification of Adhesion Between Leukocytes and Vascular Endothelium.
In: Methods in Molecular Medicine - Methods in Tissue Engineering, J.R. Morgan and M.L. Yarmush, Eds., Humana Press, Totowa. 1998;:553-575
Jain RK
Delivery of Monoclonal Antibodies to the Tumor Cell
In: Monoclonal Antibody-Based Therapy of Cancer, M.L. Grossbard, Ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. 1998;:23-52
Jain RK
Delivery of Biologic Molecules and Cells to Tumors
In: Biologic Therapy of Cancer: Principles and Practice, S. Rosenberg, Ed., Lippincott, Williams and Watkins, Philadelphia. 2000;:865-874
Jain RK, Munn LL, Fukumura D
Transparent Window Models and Intravital Microscopy: Imaging Gene Expression
Physiological Function and Drug Delivery in Tumors, In: Tumor Models in Cancer Research, B. Teicher, Ed., Humana Press, Inc., Totowa, NJ. 2001;Chapter 34:647-671
Netti PA, Jain RK
Interstitial Transport in Solid Tumors
In: Cancer Modeling and Simulation (Editor: L Preziosi), Chapman & Hall, Boca Raton, FL. 2003;Chapter 3:51-74
Jain RK
Molecular Pathophysiology of Tumors
In: Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology, 4th Edition (Editors: C. A. Parez, L. W. Brady, E. C. Halperin, and R. Schmidt-Ullrich), Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, New York. 2003;Chapter 4:163-179
Jain RK, Brown EB, Munn LL, Fukumura D
Intravital microscopy of normal and diseased tissues in the mouse.
In: Live Cell Imaging: A Laboratory Manual (Editors: R. D. Goldman and D. L. Spector). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York. 2004;Chapter 24:435-466
Jain RK
Vascular and Interstitial Biology of Tumors.
In: Clinical Oncology, 3rd Edition (Editors: M. Abeleff, J. Armitage, J. Niederhuber, M. Kastan and G. McKenna), Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA. 2004;Chapter 9:153-172
Brown E, Majewska A, Jain RK
FRAP and Multiphoton FRAP.
In: Imaging in Neuroscience and Development: A Laboratory Manual (Editors: R. Yuste and A. Konnerth), Cold Spring Harbor Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York. 2005;Chapter 56:429-438
Brown EB, Munn LL, Fukumura D, Jain RK
A Practical Guide to in vivo Imaging of Tumors.
In: Imaging in Neuroscience and Development: A Laboratory Manual (Editors: R. Yuste and A. Konnerth), Cold Spring Harbor Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York. 2005;Chapter 92:695-700
Jain RK
Seminal findings and an allergy to black flies.
In: Reflections from the Frontiers, Explorations for the Future: Gordon Research Conferences, 1931-2006 (Editors: Arthur A. Daemmrich, Nancy Ryan Gray and Leah Shaper), Gordon Research Conferences and Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia. 2006;:70-71
Jain RK, Duda DG
Angiogenesis in Solid Tumors
In: Antiangiogenic Cancer Therapy (Editors: James L. Abbruzzese, Darren W. Davis and Roy S. Herbst), CRC Press, Boca Raton. 2007;:43-90
Jain RK, Duda DG
Normalization of tumor vasculature and microenvironment by antiangiogenic therapy.
In: Angiogenesis: Mechanisms and Cancer Therapy (Editors: Dieter Marm and Norbert E. Fusenig), Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2007;:577-92
Jain RK, Batchelor TT, Duda DG, Willett CG
Normalization of tumor vasculature and microenvironment.
In: Antiangiogenic Agents in Cancer Therapy. (Editors: Beverly Teicher and Lee Ellis), Humana Press. 2007;:261-76
Jain RK, Fukumura D, Munn LL, Brown E
Optical Microscopy in Small Animal Research
In: Imaging of Vertebrates (Editors: Tavitian B, Leroy-Willig A & Ntziachristos V). Wiley, London. 2007;:183-187
Jain RK, Fukumura D, Munn LL, Brown E
Tumor Angiogenesis and Blood Flow.
In: Imaging of Vertebrates (Editors: Tavitian B, Leroy-Willig A & Ntziachristos V). Wiley, London. 2007;:199-201
Brown E, Majewska A, Jain RK
Photobleaching and recovery with nonlinear microscopy.
In: Handbook of Biomedical Nonlinear Optical Microscopy (Editors: B. R. Masters and P. T. C. So). Oxford University Press, New York. 2008;Chapter 26:673-688
Jain RK, Booth MF, Padera TP, Munn LL, Fukumura D, Brown E
Applications of nonlinear intravital microscopy in tumor biology.
In: Handbook of Biomedical Nonlinear Optical Microscopy (Editors: B. R. Masters and P. T. C. So). Oxford University Press, New York. 2008;Chapter 29:735-756
Jain RK, Kozak K
Molecular Pathophysiology of Tumors.
In: Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology, 5th Edition (Editors: E. C. Halperin, C. A. Parez, L. W. Brady), Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, New York. 2008;Chapter 4:126-141
Jain RK, Duda DG
Vascular and interstitial biology of tumors
In: Clinical Oncology. 4th Edition, (Editors: Abeloff M, Armitage J, Niederhuber J, Kastan M, McKenna WG), Elsevier, Philadelphia. 2008;:105-24
Jain RK, Duda DG, Batchelor TT, Sorensen AG, Willett CG
Normalization of tumor vasculature and microenvironment.
In: Angiogenesis: An Integrative Approach from Science to Medicine (Editors: W. D. Figg and J. Folkman), Springer. 2008;:173-282
Jain RK, Tam J, Au P, Fukumura D
Angiogenesis in Development, Disease and Regeneration.
In: Santin M, editor. Strategies in Regenerative Medicine: Integrating Biology with Materials Design. Springer, New York. 2009;Chapter 6:ePub
Jain RK, Munn LL, Fukumura D
Intravital microscopy of normal and diseased tissues in the mouse.
In: Live Cell Imaging: A Laboratory Manual, 2nd Edition, (R. D. Goldman, J. R. Swedlow and D. L. Specter, Eds.), CSH Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. 2010;Chapter 26:475-521
Jain RK, Duda DG
Molecular Pathophysiology of Tumors.
In: Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology, 6th Edition (Editors: E. C. Halperin, C. A. Parez, L. W. Brady), Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, New York. 2014;Chapter 4:(in press)
Chung E, Yeon C, Jain RK, Fukumura D
Uncovering tumor biology by intravital microscopy.
In: Comprehensive Biomedical Physics, Volume: IV 'Optical molecular imaging' (Editor: Kiessling Alves & Anders Brahme). Elsevier Press. 2014;:(in press)
Jain RK, Fukumura D, Duda DG
Modes of neovascularization in tumors and clinical translation of antiangiogenic therapy.
In: Pathobiology of Human Disease: A Dynamic Encyclopedia of Disease Mechanisms (Editor: LM McManus & RN Mitchell). Elsevier Press, Oxford. 2014;:(in press)
Duda DG, Ancukiewicz M, Isakoff SJ, Krop IE, Jain RK
Seeds and soil: unraveling the role of local tumor stroma in distant metastasis.
J Natl Cancer Inst. 2014;106(8):ePub - PMID: 25082335 - DOI: 10.1093/jnci/dju187
Emblem KE, Farrar CT, Gerstner ER, Batchelor TT, Borra RJ, Rosen BR, Sorensen AG, Jain RK
Vessel calibre-a potential MRI biomarker of tumour response in clinical trials.
Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2014;11(10):566-584 - PMID: 25113840 - PMCID: PMC4445139 - DOI: 10.1038/nrclinonc.2014.126
Batchelor TT, Gerstner ER, Emblem KE, Duda DG, Kalpathy-Cramer J, Snuderl M, Ancukiewicz M, Polaskova P, Pinho MC, Jennings D, Plotkin SR, Chi AS, Eichler AF, Dietrich J, Hochberg FH, Lu-Emerson C, Iafrate AJ, Ivy SP, Rosen B, Loeffler JS, Wen PY, Sorensen AG, Jain RK
Increased perfusion due to vascular normalization improves oxygenation and survival in glioblastoma patients treated with cediranib with or without chemoradiation.
Neuro Oncol. 2014;16 Suppl 3:iii12 - PMID: 25165209 - PMCID: PMC4144509
Richter C, Seco J, Hong TS, Duda DG, Bortfeld T
Radiation-induced changes in hepatocyte-specific Gd-EOB-DTPA enhanced MRI: Potential mechanism.
Med Hypotheses. 2014;83(4):477-81 - PMID: 25175713 - DOI: 10.1016/j.mehy.2014.08.004
Seano G, Chiaverina G, Gagliardi PA, di Blasio L, Puliafito A, Bouvard C, Sessa R, Tarone G, Sorokin L, Helley D, Jain RK, Serini G, Bussolino F, Primo L
Endothelial podosome rosettes regulate vascular branching in tumour angiogenesis.
Nat Cell Biol. 2014;16(10):931-941 - PMID: 25218639 - PMCID: PMC4564017 - DOI: 10.1038/ncb3036
Jain RK, Netti PA
Letter to the editor regarding recent article by Wu et Al. [journal of theoretical biology, 355, 194-207 (2014)].
J Theor Biol. 2014;363:453 - PMID: 25219622 - DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2014.08.052
Li W, Huang P, Chen DJ, Gerweck LE
Determinates of tumor response to radiation: Tumor cells, tumor stroma and permanent local control.
Radiother Oncol. 2014;113(1):146-9 - PMID: 25284063 - PMCID: PMC4280081 - DOI: 10.1016/j.radonc.2014.09.006
Chen O, Riedemann L, Etoc F, Herrmann H, Coppey M, Barch M, Farrar CT, Zhao J, Bruns OT, Wei H, Guo P, Cui J, Jensen R, Chen Y, Harris DK, Cordero JM, Wang Z, Jasanoff A, Fukumura D, Reimer R, Dahan M, Jain RK, Bawendi MG
Magneto-fluorescent core-shell supernanoparticles.
Nat Commun. 2014;5:5093 - PMID: 25298155 - PMCID: PMC4264679 - DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6093